Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Once, i had read an article that we should not beat up our kids. Per the writer, as I remember, the kids may suffer emotional trauma later on and on. However, the horrible monster at my home and the ogre at school beat me up and it happens that i didn't turn out worse. No mental problem, no chronic illnesses or no permanent disable and what the fucking emotional trauma? Walla walla.. Thank god, i have the Monster Mama and Ogre Teacher
In her 'pre-menopouse' and 'betrayed- by-husband' eras, my mom was very 'garang giler tak hengat' some of my worse of course bad-hard-slap on my head in front of the public. Dah lah sakit satu hal, malu pulak lagi. Especially at any keramaian. Sebab tu cerdik sikit. Kepala banyak menerima gegaran akibat penangan mak aku. Cubit, pulas, batang ubi, kayu sudip nasi tu, pokok daun jepun.. elehh.. small matter le.. She beat me at least once a week. Babble on me everyday. However, as i remember, she never slap on my face. Luckily, i have a brother who protected me from the monster she. He stood up as liberty statue and let my mom settled her anger. (tak bermakna tunggul tu ada kat situ aku selamat but at least we shared the punishment together and pretty sure he got lebih) If the punishment was rotan 10 kali (jgn mimpi la the monster nak pukul 10 kali), abang kena 5, aku kena 2 sebab aku akan lari menyorok kat mana- mana, then abang akan kena lagi 3, 4 dan seterusnya. Sakit weii.. He never run away or even say 'Jangan'. Sangat baguslah dia tu. patut pun mak sayang dia lebih.
I remember how my late auntie used to protest those terrible, horrible punishment againts my mom on how she wise we up. Hide me in her room when my mom really pissed off.. I still remember her words, "mak kau tu nak hukum anak ke nak bunuh anak?" Even my late auntie not agreed with her methods. However, when i relive all those sucks, I learn about RESPECT and GOOD MANNERS. I know how to act behave in public. And i am not pretend to be an ustazah at home and caberet outside. Let me be me. Ustazah where ever.. hahahha >:)
The point i'm trying to say is.. budak- budak sekarang kena ajar juga dengan a little bit kekerasan. Slap them, beat them, give them a wallop now and then, back hand or even smack down - jgn sampai mati dah la.. coz for me, soft talking somehow not really works for a certain group of kids. (refer to 'me' type) Aku sokong hukuman merotan kepada anak murid. Ala.. for our goods jugak. Last time at the boarding school, sokmo dapat koperal ngan sarjan. Entah pa pe sekolah tu kan wak? lewat Subuh lima minit pun nak bagi. Tapi, tak mati pun. Lagi bagus apa, tak payah masuk tentera pun dah boleh dapat pangkat. Untung- untung dapat Mc. Kan dapat cuti free. Tadelah ponteng. Dah mak bapak tanak ajar. biarlah cikgu ajar. Dah mak bapak tanak rotan, biarlah cikgu rotan. Back hand je bebudak ni. Mengada ngada sangat..
Once, i had read an article that we should not beat up our kids. Per the writer, as I remember, the kids may suffer emotional trauma later on and on. However, the horrible monster at my home and the ogre at school beat me up and it happens that i didn't turn out worse. No mental problem, no chronic illnesses or no permanent disable and what the fucking emotional trauma? Walla walla.. Thank god, i have the Monster Mama and Ogre Teacher
In her 'pre-menopouse' and 'betrayed- by-husband' eras, my mom was very 'garang giler tak hengat' some of my worse of course bad-hard-slap on my head in front of the public. Dah lah sakit satu hal, malu pulak lagi. Especially at any keramaian. Sebab tu cerdik sikit. Kepala banyak menerima gegaran akibat penangan mak aku. Cubit, pulas, batang ubi, kayu sudip nasi tu, pokok daun jepun.. elehh.. small matter le.. She beat me at least once a week. Babble on me everyday. However, as i remember, she never slap on my face. Luckily, i have a brother who protected me from the monster she. He stood up as liberty statue and let my mom settled her anger. (tak bermakna tunggul tu ada kat situ aku selamat but at least we shared the punishment together and pretty sure he got lebih) If the punishment was rotan 10 kali (jgn mimpi la the monster nak pukul 10 kali), abang kena 5, aku kena 2 sebab aku akan lari menyorok kat mana- mana, then abang akan kena lagi 3, 4 dan seterusnya. Sakit weii.. He never run away or even say 'Jangan'. Sangat baguslah dia tu. patut pun mak sayang dia lebih.
I remember how my late auntie used to protest those terrible, horrible punishment againts my mom on how she wise we up. Hide me in her room when my mom really pissed off.. I still remember her words, "mak kau tu nak hukum anak ke nak bunuh anak?" Even my late auntie not agreed with her methods. However, when i relive all those sucks, I learn about RESPECT and GOOD MANNERS. I know how to act behave in public. And i am not pretend to be an ustazah at home and caberet outside. Let me be me. Ustazah where ever.. hahahha >:)
The point i'm trying to say is.. budak- budak sekarang kena ajar juga dengan a little bit kekerasan. Slap them, beat them, give them a wallop now and then, back hand or even smack down - jgn sampai mati dah la.. coz for me, soft talking somehow not really works for a certain group of kids. (refer to 'me' type) Aku sokong hukuman merotan kepada anak murid. Ala.. for our goods jugak. Last time at the boarding school, sokmo dapat koperal ngan sarjan. Entah pa pe sekolah tu kan wak? lewat Subuh lima minit pun nak bagi. Tapi, tak mati pun. Lagi bagus apa, tak payah masuk tentera pun dah boleh dapat pangkat. Untung- untung dapat Mc. Kan dapat cuti free. Tadelah ponteng. Dah mak bapak tanak ajar. biarlah cikgu ajar. Dah mak bapak tanak rotan, biarlah cikgu rotan. Back hand je bebudak ni. Mengada ngada sangat..
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